Stuffed & Smoked Moose Heart Recipe

Stuffed & Smoked Moose Heart Recipe

Substitute any other species of heart you desire.


1 Moose heart (split lengthwise)

Salt & pepper to taste

500 Ml (2 c) bread or cracker crumbs

125 G (¼ lb) pork sausage

65 Ml (¼ c) minced onion

125 Ml (½ c) all-purpose flour

65 Ml (4 tbsp) vegetable oil

1 Ml (⅛ tsp) pepper

3 Ml (½ tsp) sage

15 Ml (1 tbsp) minced parsley

500 Ml (2 c) water

5 Ml (1 tsp) beef base


Wash the heart, trim all fat and remove arteries.

Soak in cold salty water for a half hour.

Drain and pat dry.

Brush the outside of the heart with oil and sprinkle the entire heart with salt and pepper to taste.

In a bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, sausage, sage, and parsley.

Fill the inside cavity with the breadcrumb mixture and tie or skewer the heart back together.

Roll the heart in flour, then braise it in a hot frying pan with oil, until the heart has a golden brown color.

Transfer the heart from the frying pan to an oiled smoker rack.

Smoking Method:

Preheat the Bradley Smoker to 120°C (250°F).

Using Hickory flavour bisquettes, place the rack in the Bradley Smoker and smoke/cook for up to 8 hours. You may wish to turn the smoke generator off after 4 hours, but continue to cook.

If desired, make a thin gravy out of the remaining flour and grease from the frying pan to serve with the heart.


Hickory Wood Bisquettes

The strong and sweet flavor of Hickory Bisquettes make it one of the more popular woods for smoking, and especially pairs well with poultry, beef, pork, game, water fowl, nuts, and cheese.

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