Smoked Bacon Recipe

The sizzle of bacon….. oh what a sound!

If there is anything that is truly drool-worthy in this world, then it has to be bacon. Who doesn’t absolutely love bacon? There is nothing like the smell of bacon frying on a skillet. Bacon is great in a sandwich, on pizza, in a salad, pasta, and oh so much more. Today, we’re going to embark on making the most delicious smoked bacon on earth!


2 Heaping tbsp of sea salt

2 Heaping tbsp of Demerara (brown) sugar

1 Tbsp of fine pepper

1 Level teaspoon of Prague #1 pink Powder


I started out with a 5-pound skinned belly.

Rubbed it all over with my seasoning/cure and wrapped it tightly (3 times) with a plastic food wrapper.

I then placed it in the fridge for 5 days.

Rinsed it completely, dried it, then back in the fridge again for 24 hours.

I then sprinkled it with coarse pepper and placed it in the smoker.

Using Alder wood Bisquettes, I set the temperature for 100°C/200ºF it smoked for 4 hours. After 2 hours, I mopped pure natural honey all over the belly and returned it to the smoker. The smoker shut itself off automatically but I left it in the smoker overnight. The next morning I sliced it and fried up the best tasting Bacon I ever ate.


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Alder Wood Bisquettes

Alder is commonly used for smoked salmon because of its milder flavor. However, thanks to its light, sweet, and musky flavor, it's a smooth smoke flavor perfect for almost any dish.

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