Poulet satay avec une sauce aux cacahuètes tueuse

Apprenez à préparer ce satay de poulet à la sauce aux arachides à partir de zéro.


Chicken Marinade:

10 Chicken thighs cut into 1” pieces

½ Cup water

½ Cup Soy Sauce

2 Tbsp sugar

6 Garlic cloves - minced

Peanut Sauce:

1 Cup peanut butter

¼ Cup rice vinegar

½ Cup soy sauce

4 Tbsp honey

2 Tsp fresh grated ginger

1 Tsp fish sauce

4 Garlic cloves - grated

½ Tsp chili flakes

161 Ml full fat coconut milk


Begin with soaking your skewers. Get them into the water while your chicken is marinating. Now, in a bowl, mix together the marinade ingredients. Add the chicken and stir around well. Marinate for 1 hour, but best overnight if you can. Trust me!!

Remove chicken from marinade and skewer it (should roughly be ¾ full). Place on a tray or plate that can be covered, or get ready to cook right away!

Add Peanut Sauce ingredients to a small pot, heat through and mix with a whisk. Done!

Cook the chicken on a smoking hot grill. should be a few minutes per side. Serve with the peanut sauce, limes, cilantro, chopped peanuts…and beers…You’re going to love it!!

Recipe by: Cory Walby - Saturday Night Test Kitchen

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