Recette de côtelettes de porc fumées et d'épaule de porc effilochée

Découvrez les secrets pour transformer une longe de porc de 15 lb en un chef-d'œuvre culinaire! Avec seulement quelques ingrédients simples et une touche de créativité, vous pouvez transformer cet achat économique en 16 succulentes escalopes de longe et une épaule de porc effilochée appétissante. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de déguster de délicieuses escalopes de porc fumées, parfaites pour des petits déjeuners copieux ou des dîners rapides.


15 Lb pork loin

4 Tsp of brown sugar

2 Tsp of coarse salt

1 Tsp of pink salt (Prague #2)


I stumbled upon a fantastic deal at my local grocery store where they had this cut available for just a little over $20.00 CAD. It weighed 15 pounds and from that purchase, I was able to obtain 16 loin cutlets, each measuring ¾" in thickness, as well as a boneless pork shoulder.

To prepare the cure, combine 4 teaspoons of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of coarse salt, and 1 teaspoon of pink salt (Prague #2). Rub this mixture onto all exposed sides of the cutlets. Place the seasoned cutlets in a Tupperware container and refrigerate for 5 days. Shake the Tupperware daily to ensure even curing of the cutlets.

For the pulled pork shoulder, season and rub it, then immediately place it in the Bradley Smoker for dinner that same night.

On the sixth day, transfer the cured cutlets to the smoker set at approximately 220ºF. Smoke the cutlets for about 4 hours until they are about ¾ cooked. After smoking, allow them to cool, vacuum pack them, and freeze for future use.

When ready to enjoy the smoked pork cutlets, remove them from the freezer as needed. Thaw them and cook in a frying pan. They taste great with a touch of mustard or apple sauce, making them suitable for a hearty breakfast or a quick evening meal.

All this was achieved for just $20! Many people overlook bulk purchases, but with a little shopping and creativity, you can stretch a cut of meat like this into over $100 worth of meals.


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